Booster 2022

Onsdag 23. til fredag 25. mars 2022

Tre dager med workshops og foredrag for hele teamet. På denne årlige konferansen i Bergen deles innsikt, erfaringer, metodikk og verktøy i en sosial og hyggelig atmosfære. Også i år har Computas vært stolt partner! Tre av våre flinke Computassere bidro med workshops.

I Computas jobber vi vanligvis i tverrfaglige team hos våre kunder, og arbeidet baserer vi på velprøvd metodikk for smidig IT-utvikling og en sterk kultur for samarbeid og kompetansedeling. Derfor kan vi vise til fornøyde kunder, lange kundeforhold og solide løsninger som varer.

Workshop: Drawing for IT Architects

Ever seen a drawing trying to explain the architecture of an IT system, and you couldn’t make any sense of it because it was drawn so badly? Do you feel that your drawings are OK, but could probably be improved substantially with a few tricks, yet you don’t really know what they would be? Read more here!

Filip van Laenen started his career at Computas in the previous millennium, first as a Java developer, later as a business analyst, IT architect, and various other project roles. He’s guilty of lots of bad drawings, but tries to improve himself, and would like to make the world a better place by helping others to improve too.

Workshop: Modern Java App Development in the Cloud: MicroProfile, Quarkus, and Cloud Run

So, you need to have your Java app deployed and available for your users fast, and you would like to do as little managing, wiring, and infrastructure work as possible. How can you achieve that? Well, you go serverless with your containers using supersonic Java in the Cloud! Join us exploring the possibilities with MicroProfile and Quarkus on Google Cloud Run. Bleeding edge Java! Read more here!

Mads Opheim is a software engineer who wants to make people awesome in a safe environment. Test-driven development, Domain-driven design and Modern agile are favourite techniques. Working as tech lead in Computas, currently on a project for the Norwegian Tax Authorities.

Rustam Mehmandarov is a passionate computer scientist in Computas. He is also a Java Champion ​and Google Developer Expert (GDE) ​for Cloud. Public speaker.