Join our Hybrid Event:

Cast your line and join us for a couple of hours 12th of September, where we will focus on how data will transform the fishing industry – from catch to plate. 

Computas and Google invite you to a presentation, talk, and insights from 10:00 to 12:00. Location will be announced later.

We will give you an intro to Google’s cutting-edge data solutions for the industry, insights and visions from a relevant panel discussion, and an opportunity to ask questions and dream together with colleagues from the industry.

We will look at how we can:

  • Utilize data to prevent overfishing and maintain healthy ecosystems by tracking fish populations and environmental conditions.
  • Optimize fishing operations, planning, and predictions through real-time data on catch, weather, and market demand to reduce waste and ensure seafood freshness.
  • Foster a data-driven mindset across the fishing industry to drive equitable decision-making and continuous improvement.

More information will follow. Sign up today!