Computas supports the annual norwegian telethon TV-aksjonen

This week the annual Norwegian telethon TV-aksjonen is taking place, and there will be high levels of activity and generosity within Computas in support of this years beneficiary Save the Children. Computas has been a regular contributor to TV-aksjonen since 2018 and is once again actively engaged.

TV-aksjonen is an annual national Norwegian charity fund raising event. It has been organized by Norwegian public broadcaster NRK since 1974, each year in conjunction with a selected beneficiary organization. The fundraiser is the world’s largest in terms of number of volunteers and the amount of money collected per capita.

Donations from this year’s campaign will go to Save the Children and their efforts to help children affected by war and conflict. The funds will be allocated to projects in Ukraine, Syria, Bangladesh, South Sudan, DR Congo, as well as to children in Norway who have fled from war and conflict. Together, we can provide over 100,000 children with the opportunity to play, learn, and live in peace.

Computas’s Contribution to TV-aksjonen

In addition to annual donations, Computas has an ongoing partnership with TV-aksjonen. Our consultants support TV-aksjonen in developing digital solutions that enable the organisation to work more efficiently, for example when recruiting volunteers to collect donations. The donations that come through volunteer door-to-door fundraisers remains a fundamental part of the campaign, both in terms of money raised and spreading awareness about the cause.

Computas is represented in Oslo’s local campaign committee, led by Mayor Marianne Borgen. Every year our leadership team also participates when the Oslo campaign arranges a local phone-fundraiser. Participants come together for two intense hours, making calls to their own networks and TV-aksjonen’s donor lists, persuading companies to support this year’s campaign.

Another Computas tradition is to hosts an event at our offices, both in Akersgata, Oslo, and at DIGS in Trondheim, to raise money and focus on this year’s cause, both internally and within the IT industry. In addition to visits from TV-aksjonen and Save the Children, the event includes informative lectures, food and drinks. Participants can also take on coding challenges. The more challenges they solve, the more Computas donates to TV-aksjonen!

Picture: TV-aksjonen – good vibe under a previous years event.

Computas encourages its employees to donate both their time and money. Computas donates an additional amount for each employee who volunteers as a door-to-door fundraiser on the campaign day. Additionally, Computas has set up a crowdfunding campaign (Spleis) to which employees are encouraged to contribute and share on social media. Join us, support this years telethon and help children affected by war and conflict!