Whitepaper: The executives’s guide to generative AI

Generative AI’s impact will be huge. Yet, only 15% of businesses and IT decision makers feel they have the expert knowledge needed in this fast-moving area.

Kickstart your generative AI journey

This comprehensive guide will not only bring you up to speed, but help you chart a clear path forward for adopting generative AI in your business.

In it, you’ll find:

  • A quick primer on generative AI.
  • A 30-day step-by-step guide to getting started.
  • KPIs to measure generative AI’s impact.
  • Industry-specific use cases and customer stories from Deutsche Bank, TIME, and more.

Dive in today to discover how generative AI can help deliver new value in your business.

* Google Cloud Gen AI Benchmarking Study, July 2023.

Download the whitepaper here

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