Did you remember to backup Atlassian Cloud?

On 15 February, Atlassian's server products were phased out in favor of the cloud-based version. This means that many companies have now migrated tools such as Confluence and Jira to the Atlassian Cloud. And with that, they also have to rethink when it comes to backup.

Because despite the fact that cloud solutions are considered to be safe, many forget to think about backing up their cloud applications. The fact is, you have no guarantee that data in the cloud cannot disappear. This also applies in Atlassian Cloud.

Why do you need backup of Atlassian Cloud

– Even though cloud based tools follow strict security standards and the cloud is perceived as safe, there are always risks to consider. It’s not always as straight forward as it seems, says Irina Bulf, advisor at Computas. 

Data loss kan occur in many ways – for example human error, technical error or security breach. And if you you ever find yourself in a situation where data has been lost, you would want to restore it as soon as possible.

–  With cloud backup you can restore your data quickly, which again leads to immediate correction of fault and Sikkerhetskopiering av skyen muliggjør rask gjenoppretting, som igjen fører til umiddelbar korrigering av feil og compliance with laws and regulations. This in turn leads to business continuity, says Bulf

How can you secure your data?

Computas has entered into a partnership with HYCU – a leading provider of cloud backup and recovery solutions. HYCU delivers automated and simple backup and recovery for your Confluence, Jira and Jira Service Management applications. With HYCU, you can safely protect your data in the Atlassian Cloud, and ensure that it is always secure, recoverable and compliant with regulations.

– By combining our expertise with HYCU’s innovative technology, we can now offer our customers simple, reliable and cost-effective solutions to protect their data in the Atlassian Cloud, says Irina Bulf

Les mer om hvordan HYCU sikrer gjenoppretting av Atlassian Cloud.

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